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Have you effectively adapted your leadership approach?

Writer's picture: Dr. Kelly WaltmanDr. Kelly Waltman

I know, I know, you’re likely tired of hearing and reading (and probably saying and writing) that 2020 has been a year rife with unprecedented circumstances. I know, I’m tired of hearing, reading, saying, and writing that, too. So why write a blog post about it? Because despite the phrase “unprecedented circumstances” being used ad nauseam this year, there is a good chance leaders haven’t taken the opportunity to adequately adapt their leadership approach.

You have undoubtedly incorporated zoom meetings (or some variation of videoconferencing) and maybe even started using a new file sharing platform or chat software.

However, have you really adjusted your leadership approach? Or is it the same dance, just from a distance and with more technology?

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Have you taken the opportunity to evaluate how you lead your team and how you should lead your team?

  • Have you explored coaching and mentoring for yourself as you deal with uncharted territory?

  • Have you taken stock of how frequently you communicate with your team? Not just about projects and other miscellaneous updates, but have you examined how frequently you really communicate with your team?

  • Do you genuinely know how each person on your team is doing? Their biggest challenges? If they have the resources they need?

  • Have you adjusted expectations – the amount of work/tasks, expected working hours, etc. – and engaged your team in dialogue about realistic expectations?

  • Have you offered personal and professional development opportunities? A safe space for team members to share their experiences?

  • Have you had honest conversations about how things look for your team long-term? Or are you just flying by the seat of your pants from week-week or month-month?

  • Have you revisited company goals and strategic plans? Or are you just charging ahead as though nothing has “really changed?”

As we nudge closer to 2021, if it hasn’t happened already, now is your time – because let’s face it, things aren’t going back to the way they were, not entirely. We've been forced to adapt for the long-term, and by long-term I mean forever. We may have some semblance of our “old normal” in the future’s “new normal” but things won’t ever be exactly the same again – nor should they be. We have been handed an opportunity to grow and evolve in the midst of crisis, let’s not waste it.


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Ethos Inspired (formerly SLR Leadership Consulting) offers strategic consulting and professional development services. We also deliver online, in-person, and hybrid learning workshops, with an emphasis on workplace culture, communication, and overall wellness. Additionally, we are certified to administer the EQ-i 2.0 and EQ-i 360 and the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI). Our team serves clients both nationally and internationally, with headquarters located in Central Pennsylvania.  




1% of all proceeds are donated to local charities.

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